

A UKRI Research Project


ProTechThem - Building Awareness for Safer and Technology-Savvy Sharenting, is a research project led by the University of Southampton (Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology) and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The project combines traditional and innovative cross-disciplinary approaches to offer a better understanding of sharenting practices, motivations, and risks such as grooming, child abuse, identity crimes (for example, identity fraud and identity theft). ProTechThem aims to develop awareness-raising tools and automated preventative measures for improving cyber security behaviours amongst the public, particularly parents, guardians, and relevant others.

Latest Publications!

Ugwudike, P., Roth, S., Lavorgna, A., Middleton, S. E., Djohari, N., Tartari, M., & Mandal, A. (Accepted/In press). Sharenting and social media properties: Exploring vicarious data harms and socio-technical mitigations. Big Data & Society.  Ugwudike, P.,...
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